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Lilly III Page 3

  “Lilly, are you alright?” Assassin’s hand hovers over me as he scans my body for injuries. I didn’t answer him because I was too concerned about the blade wedged in Bevel’s chest. I try to pull it out and again it felt like the Excalibur stuck in the stone. I wasn’t King Arthur, so it wasn’t budging for me.

  “Don’t!” Assassin says stopping my hand. “It’s in his heart. If you pull it out, he will bleed out and die instantly.” I bit into my bottom lip to fight the tears that were welling up in my eyes. I needed to be strong for Mogo. Bevel had been kind to me. He had sacrificed his life for mine.

  “I’m so sorry.” I whisper to the pale goblin in my arms.

  “Lilly,” He whispers. “Take………..Mogo,” the more he tries to talk the paler he looks.

  “Sshh! don’t talk.” Bevel smiles up at me, his muddy brown eyes seem to be losing focus.

  “Mogo!” Bevel calls out for his nephew. Looking at the young giant, it’s the first time I see the ten year old boy that he is.

  I was ten when my best friend and dog, Bo, died. He had gotten bit by a rabid coon, my uncle Buddy noticed the signs in him before I did. Uncle Buddy pulled me to the side and told me that Bo would have to be killed. Mama told Buddy I didn’t need to witness it, but Uncle Buddy told her, “Life is tough. Part of growing up is understanding how to deal with things you don’t like or understand. She needs to see death to understand the value of living.” That day I stood by and watched as my Uncle put my best friend to rest. I was stronger because of it, I still cried, but I accepted that it had to be done. I moved aside so that Mogo could kneel by his Uncle’s head. Bevel immediately cracks a weak smile for the young giant. “Mogo, my boy.”

  “Uncle Bevel not well.” Mogo responds.

  “No, son. I’m not.” Bevel sighs and I can see how much he’s struggling to continue to speak. “I….need you….to protect Lilly. You….are strong, Mogo.” Bevel reaches for my hand and squeezes. “She needs …….someone strong.”

  I had tons of people protecting me and watching over me that were far more qualified than Mogo, but I understood why Bevel said what he did. He was giving his nephew a job, something to focus on rather than Bevel’s death. Tears threatened to slip down my cheeks. I blink them away, Mogo didn’t need to see my tears.

  “Mogo protect.” Mogo says in a firm voice that lacked any shakiness that would define his age. Bevel smiles wanly at Mogo then turns back to me. He didn’t speak, but his eyes spoke plenty.

  “I will.” I answer him truthfully. I would take great care of my young giant friend. Bevel nods towards me and squeezes my hand one last time before his eyes close and his chest no longer rise.

  Assassin only allows us a moment to mourn before he says. “Lilly, we must go. The Dark King’s army will be here soon.” I allow him to pull me to my feet and guide me away from Bevel’s small body. I hate leaving him in the streets this way. I hate letting such a good person stay in this awful place even if it is just his body, but I couldn’t do anything about it without risking the sacrifice he made for me.

  Assassin, Mogo and I made it to the meeting spot. I’m relieved to see the gang there. Not only was my former captives waiting for me, but the initial gang was there too. Augustus smiles brightly at me as I approach.

  “I’m glad to see you are well, Lilly.” He wraps me in a warm hug.

  “What the bloody hell is that thing?” Bilal, the Southern Kingdom’s appointed bodyguard ask.

  “This is Mogo.” I introduce him to the group. “He is my friend and protector. If anyone has a problem with him, you can take it up with me.”

  “Or me.” The Assassin adds. “He has proven his loyalty to Lilly, which makes him good with me.” Assassin grabs my hand and starts to lead me through the mountain. I should be annoyed with being hauled around like a child in the grocery store, but I’ve been through enough, I need the strength his hand brings.

  I should have known our escape wouldn’t be this easy. Assassin stops us mid-way through the mountain and I can tell by the tightness in his body that something is wrong.

  “We’re blocked in from both sides.” Augustus calls up from the back of our line. Assassin swears.

  “Break these chains.” Hyland states. “I can help fight. I will do all I can to get Lilly away from here.”

  “Get yourself away from here.” I say to Hyland. I was honored by his willingness to fight for me, but I didn’t want anyone else dying on my behalf. “When you get rid of those chains do that disappearing thing.” I say waving my hand in the air to demonstrate the act.

  Assassin drops my hand and his sword appears in his hand. He quickly slices the witch blades off of our wrist.

  “If you can flash, grab someone that can’t.” Assassin grabs me around the waist and pulls me towards him. His feeling of his hard chest pressed against my breasts took my ability to speak or think clearly.

  “Assassin, she can’t flash.” I hear Miriam say from somewhere behind us.

  “We have no choice.” He says looking over his shoulder to the noise that is approaching. “Hold on tight, my little human.” He whispers down at me and I didn’t have time to react. The world starts to spin and then it goes black.

  Chapter Three

  “She is the mother of my sons and I say she should stay here where she belongs.” Rykan shouts from his seat at the rectangular table in the council room at the Southern Kingdom.

  After our narrow escape from the goblin Kingdom I flashed Lilly here. Soon after we arrived Avalia called this meeting of the council to discuss what happened back there in those woods. It started out as a discussion of how we could prevent something like Lilly being taken from us again, and it turned into two hours of the kings and the one prince yelling at each other about where Lilly would be safer. I don’t really give a shit what these assholes think, the only reason I am here is because Avalia wanted someone in this meeting she could trust. Although I am physically here, my mind is a thousand miles away. I can barely concentrate from the red I see. After putting Lilly to bed and getting a full review from Miriam of what she and Lilly went through, I’m finding it exceptionally hard not to return to that fucking goblin kingdom and killing all of those short bastards. This impulse was heightened upon seeing the bruises and scars that mar her body. Rationally, I know that these marks will fade with the aid of the immortal blood of her sons, but every time I see those marks it reminds me that Lilly needed me and I was not there.

  “For bloody sake Rykan, you get no special privileges for where you place your cock. I’ve bedded many whores and I have no right to them and neither do you with yours.”

  That comment snaps me back to the moment and my hand twitches to gut the bastard that is responsible for it.

  “We will refrain from calling Lilly a whore.” Avalia scolds, flashing her eyes over to me. She can feel how on edge I already am. Careless comments like that will likely put me on a destructive streak that will leave us with at least one less member of this council.

  “You will never speak about her that way again.” Rykan shouts.

  I ignore the young prince’s anger, his balls have hit a growth spurt since we arrived in His kingdom. He feels that he and I are on level ground here and that it means that everyone must respect him. If I weren’t so livid I would laugh in the lad’s face. I allow him his “in charge” act for now. One day I will kill him for abandoning Lilly. I’m a patient man, I can wait for the right time.

  “I do not understand the importance of dragging her around the Locke.” Bartus adds.

  This has been the argument for the last hour. Bartus and Rykan does not want Lilly to be taken from the Southern Kingdom and paraded across the Locke. If their intentions were noble I would agree with them. However, Bartus wants Lilly to remain here for political gain. Whoever finds favor with the chosen has a direct ear to the Kingdoms of the Locke. Rykan wants her here just to shove his dick in her, which reminds me, at first possible chance sever said dick.

  “We we
re promised our time with the human.” Fisgal adds. Fisgal and Artimus have been in agreement that Lilly should continue on with her route to visit all kingdoms. They also only want her for political gain.

  “She is with child.” Rykan shouts. “Have you no care to her well-being.” As if he does.

  “It is not my child.” Artimus adds.

  “You are rather quiet throughout all this.” Avalia ask inside my mind. “What are you pondering?”

  “Whom I should kill first.” I reply jokingly. Although she is not looking at me, I can see one side of her mouth go up in a slight twitch in response to my words.

  “Might I give a suggestion?”

  “Let me guess, the fat bustard?” I refer to Artimus.

  “You know me so well.”

  “Are you listening to me, Queen?” Artimus’s question disconnects Avalia from my thoughts.

  Avalia sighs. “I know what I promised, Artimus. However, Rykan and Bartus has a point.”

  Artimus growls in discontent. “So you would go back on your word then?” I could see the tension and annoyance straighten Avalia’s spine. I already knew that despite Avalia’s concern for Lilly, she knew that this little voyage around the Locke was detrimental to our fight against the Dark King. While these Kings had their own agendas that benefit them, Avalia and I were actually thinking of Lilly. I also knew that Avalia couldn’t voice her plans or her reasons for them. I push away from the wall I’ve been quietly leaning against.

  “If you do not mind, My Queen, maybe I can be a voice of reason?”

  “Yes, of course, Assassin, your opinion is always valued.” I hear the guffaws from the room following Avalia’s response.

  I ignore their irritation. “It is true that marching Lilly across the Locke is dangerous and foolish,”

  “…..The Assassin agrees with us.” Bartus remarks proudly.

  “To the dark realm with him. He isn’t even of noble blood. Why should we do what he says?”

  “Because, Artimus,” I say calmly despite my irritation of being cut off. “I will kill you if you don’t.”

  “You take too many liberties with your threats, Assassin. One day I may not overlook them.”

  “I do not make threats, Artimus. I state fact. And, when that day comes, I will gladly introduce you to my blade.”

  “Gentlemen.” Avalia stands to her feet, trying to ease the tension that has slipped into the room.

  As bad as I wanted to drive my sword through Artimus’s gut, I knew that he would never out right challenge me. The fat bastard is bold, but he was no fool. He knows that I will kill him before he could take a full step towards me. Artimus is an idiot, but not a suicidal one. So, even as the room fills with tension and his eyes glaze with raw anger, I knew that the immortal king would only sit back and grumble at his injustice. Just as I thought, Artimus lowers himself back down in his chair.

  “Assassin will you continue.” Avalia waves me on.

  “As I was saying, it is very dangerous to parade Lilly around this way, but it is detrimental if we want to show her that the Locke is worth saving. Lilly has to know what we are fighting for before she can make any decision on saving us.”

  “Well said.” Avalia’s voice speaks inside my head.

  “Occasionally, I can be the voice of reason.” Her laughter lingers after she departs from my mind.

  Avalia and I both knew the real reason we were agreeing to allow Lilly to travel. Though the kings could demand their armies to back Lilly, they could not command the everyday man to go to war. And for this final show down with the Dark King, we needed all we could get. Lilly was already doing a miraculous job of gathering followers on her on. Already, the young elf Hyland, who is a skilled archer, has pledged himself in the war to protect Lilly. Though he seems to adore the little spitfire human, I can see where his real interest lie. He looks to be attracted to Lilly’s handmaiden. He wasn’t the only new addition to Lilly’s loyal fans. The immortal gentleman and his granddaughter has been spreading praise for Lilly around the Southern Kingdom’s farm lands like a wild fire. Even the Nix has stated that she and her sisters will be ready to take up arm on Lilly’s behalf. And we can’t forget that creature that has not left his spot in front of Lilly’s door since we got here.

  A smile plays on my lips at the memory of my little human trying to defend the creature. She has always had a soft spot for hideous creatures. Her childhood pet, Bo, was the scrawniest beast I’d ever seen, but he meant the world to Lilly.

  I wasn’t a fan of taking Lilly to the Western or the Eastern Kingdom, but I knew that in the long run it was what is best for Lilly. And that is my overall goal.

  “The Assassin has made a valued point.” Avalia states, standing to her feet. “We have to continue on this journey. However, I do believe we need better precautions in place so that something like the goblins do not happen again.”

  “Agreed.” Everyone replies.

  The most important thing Lilly needed was to learn to ride a horse. We can travel a lot faster if she could ride. Although I and the others got a good laugh at her attempts to ride the white stallion, it is dire that she learns. I chose the white stallion because it is one of the fastest horses in the Queen’s stables.

  Avalia nods her head to us. “I’ll call another council in a few days, maybe we could come up with some better ways to aid her in her journey by then.” The room starts to empty out.

  “Queen,” Rykan calls out as the only other person left besides Avalia and I. “How long will Lilly stay within our kingdom?” My tension grows at his question. I’ve been on edge at the thought of Lilly being in Rykan’s home. This puts him at an advantage, if I have to kill him for touching her, I would also have to fight the Southern Kingdom’s army as well. Not that I couldn’t, it would just be….. an inconvenience.

  “For now, she needs to recuperate. Then I will figure out how long she will stay.” Rykan doesn’t seem to like this answer, but he is smart enough to not disagree. He gives a formal bow and walks out.

  Avalia traces away from the Southern Kingdom and I follow, ending back in her throne room at the glass castle.

  As soon as we arrive, Avalia picks up one of her glass bowls and tosses it at the wall shattering it into millions of pieces.

  “That was too close.” She states, pacing the floor. “Lilly trusted me to protect her and I allow her to end up in that horrible goblin king’s hands.” She stops pacing and place her hands on her hips. “I want this traitor found, Assassin.”

  It is clear that one of the members of the council is working with the Dark King. They were the only ones that knew which path we would take. And the quickness with which the Dark King’s army found us lets us know the bastard is efficient with his information.

  “We have another problem. Apparently the traitor notified the Dark King of my involvement with Lilly. He sent Phillissius to taunt me.”

  “That little twat. Is he still angry about that Farrah thing?” I cock my head at her. Avalia shakes her head in bewilderment. “Seriously, I can’t believe he’s still angry about her. You did him a favor. The girl was a trollop, and not even a good one.”

  “Well, I beg to differ. She was quite terrible in bed, but she could swallow a cock like……”

  Avalia holds up her hand. “No thank you, Assassin. I do not need the details.” I give her a playful wink and she laughs releasing some of her tension. Avalia plops down on her throne looking exhausted.

  “What if she wakes up and decides to leave? Or, decides I cannot protect her and wants someone else to take over the job. The gods forbid she places her trust in that boy.”

  I lean against the wall crossing my arms over my chest. “She won’t change her mind. Lilly admires you, and I know for a fact that she is loyal. She isn’t going to run away just because something is difficult.” This seems to make Avalia relax a little.

  “Have you made any progress in wooing her?”

  “What is the rush? Lilly has a bad past with m
en, I need to take my time with her. I want to win her heart, not just her body.” Avalia stiffens at my words.

  “The twins will come earlier than expected. She only has a few more months before things become……complicated. I need you to really try.”

  That vision of Lilly crying before me flashes in my mind and this time I hear a word whisper off her lips before Avalia shuts me out.

  “Why did she call your name?” I get that feeling again that maybe this vision is foreshadowing Avalia’s death. I push away from the wall towards her.

  “That is not what is important right now. We need to stay focused. Get Lilly an army, Get those boys born and win her heart.”

  I agree that those are the most pressing things, and I will agree to do it. However, something else had just been added to my list, make sure Avalia survives this final battle. If that vision is showing me what I think, and I’m sure it is, then I needed to make sure that it does not come to past. I may not be in love with Avalia, but I loved her all the same and I refused to allow her to die. Just because Avalia got a glimpse of the future, it does not mean that the outcome is set. It is just the future for whatever path you are on. Even the slightest thing can change the outcome. I will change this outcome.

  I nod to Avalia. “I agree.” I say, silently plotting a way to make sure Avalia is protected at all times. “How do we snuff out this traitor?”

  Avalia stands from her throne and begins to pace the length of her throne room. Her silver dress dances across the marble floor with each step she takes. I watch as her glacier blue eyes thin as she loses herself in thought. Her white hair is parted down the middle and adorned with her silver crown. Her full lips part as she starts to talk with herself. I never understood why Avalia never took a mate. She has had many lovers, but none that she seemed to love. And it wasn’t just because I threatened to kill them all if they ever hurt her. She could always find a man that would fall head over heels for her, but she could never return their love. I wonder about my oldest friend, why does she find it so hard to fall in love? Years ago, I would have agreed that love is bullshit and the only real thing is good sex. Now, I think differently.