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Lilly III Page 10
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Page 10
“Matthias, will you and Mogo help Prince Rykan unload that wagon for me.”
The lad bows at the waist. “For you, my lady, anything.” He says.
I can’t help but smile at the suave little boy. Maybe I should be worried about the lad.
Matthias runs over to the boy giant and grabs his hand as he leads him to the wagon.
“They’ve become fast friends.” Lilly says watching the two interact. “Mogo needs a friend around his age.”
That creature needs a lot of things, I don’t know if a small breakable child is one of them, but I don’t say this because Lilly is infatuated with the thing.
Instead I say, “He seems happy.”
She turns and smiles at me. “I hope so.”
“Assassin, where were you last night?” Rykan asks me. I know he didn’t really give a shit where I was, nor did he care that I missed the party. He thought only to call me out for being with another woman. Like I would want to be with any other woman besides Lilly.
“I had a job to do for my Queen.”
I hate that I could see the relief on Lilly’s face. Did she think that I was with another female? Maybe my intentions weren’t clear enough yesterday. I will have to do better with that today. I will find another reason to be alone with her today.
Rykan must have also seen the relief on Lilly’s face, because he goes on to say, “Yes, ‘job’.”
“I missed you last night.” Her soft voice brings me back from the edge of my murderous rage at what Rykan is indicating.
I step towards her and pull her out of Rykan’s grip spinning her towards me in a dance. When I have her front pressed up to my chest and a solid hand at her back, I pause for a moment just to take her in. Beautiful honey colored skin. Big doe eyes still so full of innocence. Those golden and emerald irises looking back at me with so much unhidden lust that my balls tighten in on themselves as if I’m about to blow a load in the front of my pants. Her full lips part on a sudden inhale and it takes all my trained strength not to press my lips to hers. I am dying to taste her, all of her.
“I’m here now.” I say in a strained voice. “What would you have me do?” although those are not the words I am dying to say, those are the safe words I choose to say. It is still too soon to make my plans with Lilly known. Baby steps, Assassin.
The blush that coats her cheeks is adorable and that sweet smell of her arousal has me stepping back slightly. Don’t want my “torch light” making another appearance too soon.
“Umm.” She stumbles over her words and I take pride in the fact that I have her that way.
“Why don’t you go see if you can round up more food?” Rykan suggests. I want to forget the little fuck is here, but leave it to him to remind me.
“I’m sure I will be of more use here, with Lilly.” I say, cutting my eyes to Rykan. I watch his eyes darken in a challenge. I smile. Any day you little shit.
“What is the meaning of this?”
I turn to the sound of an angry King Bartus. He is accompanied by his wife and the six members of his council.
“I told you, your highness. The woman is trouble.” One of Bartus’ councils says as they approach.
Lilly stiffens in my arms and I release my hold on her to step slightly in front of her.
“Father, I can explain...”
“Silence, Rykan. You should have been at the table this morning breaking fast with your fiancée. Instead I find you here. Holding an unlicensed gathering in my court. You know the rules in my kingdom. I forgave you for your first transgression, because it brought me my future grandsons, but now, you are pushing your boundaries.”
Like the puppet he is, Rykan shrinks under his father’s anger. He is not worthy of Lilly, or the sons he made with her. While he sits back quietly allowing his father to call Lilly a fucking transgression, I’m vibrating with the rage to kill Bartus just for raising his voice in her presence.
When Bartus turns his attention to Lilly I can see the anger in his eyes. “And you,” he says.
The entire table, from Augustus down to the little fairy Kema seems to tense, readying themselves to defend Lilly if Bartus tries anything. I wasn’t worried, Bartus isn’t that stupid.
“I allowed you in my home as a guest and at every turn you have defied my rules. Yesterday you saved a criminal from being murdered….”
“He was not a criminal…” Lilly says, defending her actions to defend the little boy.
Bartus talks over her. “You showed up to a Royal party with uninvited guest, I allowed you that out of the kindness of my heart but this…” He points to the table of food and the poor that is lined up all around it. “What is this?” Bartus asks when he finally recognizes what is on the table.
“She is giving away royal food, your highness.” One of the council men says smugly, as if he is taking great pride in ratting Lilly out.
Bartus eyes widen in shock. “What?”
“Father if you just let her explain….”
Lilly places a hand on Rykan’s shoulder and shakes her head. Rykan immediately backs down.
She takes a slight step towards me. I relish in the fact that she seeks me for courage.
“What will you do with this food, King Barus?” Her voice is loud and bold as she ask her question.
Bartus looks stunned for a moment. As if he is shocked that she would dare have the nerve to question him. He turns quickly to one of his council and whispers something to him. The council responds and then Bartus turns back to Lilly.
“It is leftover food from the Royal house of Bartus. It will be tossed to the animals.” He answers proudly.
Lilly smiles softly at him. “All this food? You would toss it to your animals?”
“The animals are an important part of our society, girl. We cannot function without the use of them. Every person from the Locke knows that, even the dumb shifters.” One of the council answers smugly. Augustus takes a menacing step towards the little asshole.
“It’s alright, Augustus.” Lilly says, and hesitantly Augustus steps down. “Do you agree with him, King Bartus?”
Bartus rubs his chin thoughtfully, then responds. “Yes, I do.”
Lilly smiles, and I know that smile. It’s the same smile she would get when she was a child and she realized she had just talked her uncle into letting her ride with him or coerced her mother into allowing her to go off into the woods on her own. Lilly is about to win this argument.
“Do your animals cook your meals?” She ask, and the councilmen and the king all laugh at her as if she is dumb.
“The mother of our future kings is daft.” One of the councilmen says.
“Hope it isn’t passed down.” Another says.
Lilly tenses at that comment. I know her fears of parenting so I do what I do best. I draw my sword, the sudden quietness that follows is deafening.
“I think the lady’s question deserves an answer.”
Bartus eyes me wearily. “No, they do not.” He responds.
“Do they farm your lands?”
“No!” this time Bartus answers quickly but the humor is still in his voice.
“What about mend your clothes, or hunt your meats? What about make your weapons or protect your castle. Do they clean your homes, run your shops, and cater to your every need? What about giving birth to a new generation of people that you can sit on your throne and rule. Or, more importantly, do they stand up with you and fight against the Dark King?”
This time when Bartus answers no, there is no humor in his voice.
“I didn’t think so. Yet, they are the ones you make sure are well fed. They are the ones allowed your leftover food. Not your people.” Lilly runs a hand towards the line of people waiting to receive a meal. Every job she just described are held by the people in this line. The people that are barely surviving. “These are the people that would rather die on this land, serving a king that turns a blind eye to their hunger and suffering, than fight for a king that promises them the basic
necessities in life. Such as food, and acknowledgement. But, your councilmen is right, maybe I am dumb. What do I know? Maybe we should just pack up this food and send it to the stables. Then when the Dark King attacks again, maybe the well-fed horses will surprise you and defend your castle.” She turns to leave and I am so fucking proud of her I could kiss her.
“Wait!” Bartus calls for her and she stops. She doesn’t turn around, but I can tell by the way her shoulders stand still that she’s holding her breath, nervous about the consequences of her outburst. I should tell her she has nothing to fear. There is no way Bartus will make a stand against Lilly now, not after what she has done in front of these people. If he so much as makes a move against her, the peasants in this line will riot the streets. I can see it on their faces as they watch her, waiting for Bartus’ next move. They are inspired by her, empowered by her sincere words. It is obvious Lilly now has an army in the Southern Kingdom.
“You are missing history in the making.” I say to Avalia, then show her what she just missed. I keep my mind open so she can see the end results.
Bartus runs a hand through his hair, then turns to his councilman and says. “Go to every house that is a member of the royal court. Have them give you any leftover they can spare. Bring it here.”
“Your Highness….”
“Do it!” Bartus shouts. The councilman bow and scurry off to do his bidding. “Now, Lady Lilly, can you show my wife and I how this operation works?”
Lilly turns back with a smile so huge her dimples are sunk in her cheeks like craters.
“I would love to.” She says, and then the cheers go up.
Chants of Lilly’s name are being shouted amongst the villagers and even her small group of friends are joining in. Her face turns scarlet as she explains to Bartus how the soup kitchen/ food bank works.
“She made a complete ass out of him.” Avalia states through our link. “I love that girl more every day.”
“As do I, my Queen. As do I.”
We ended up with more than enough food to serve those that showed up. Some of the rice and grains will be saved for the next food bank. Lilly’s plan was to have one every other day. It is smart really. In the time of drought and famine it is hard to get the upper hand. The farmers that work the land that grow the food for the people and the animals are too tired and hungry to put in an honest day’s work. And without them able to put in the work, the land does not supply us with the product we need to feed the animals and each other. It is a cycle that is hard to break without the proper treatment. Supplying the farmers with food will give them the energy to put into the fields, but we are still missing a key ingredient. Rain. It has been many a day since water last fell from the sky. I am sure it is because of the goddess—daughter’s anger for us that she has not seen fit to bless us with one of the basic necessities in life.
My horse race alongside Thor as Lilly squeals in delight. Now that she’s gotten the hang of it, she loves to ride.
“Catch me if you can, Assassin.” She taunts then gives Thor the demand to run faster.
Gods, I love this girl. I love her more when she is like this, playful and carefree. I watch as the wind whips her hair behind her.
Today she is wearing one of the new dresses that Miriam has made for her. It is very reminiscent of the ancient Greeks attire. Long light material that wraps around her body in all the right places. Her dress is white with a braided fabric that connects on one shoulder. The fabric across her chest bunches together creating a ruffling effect. Just beneath her bosom is a silver band that separates the snug fit of the fabric up top to the loose fit at the bottom. The skirts of the dress is flowing fabric that touches the floor and when she walks, is accented with two splits up the front that allows for full uninhibited movement. It also gives a tantalizing glimpse of her creamy thighs whenever she walks, and for that, I want to thank the little elf. Her body in that dress has made it very hard for me to stay focused.
Finally, I catch up to Lilly and Thor and she slows. Her laugh is infectious.
“Took you long enough.” she says, taunting me.
“What can I say, Thor is a formidable opponent.”
She smiles down at the horse and runs her hands down his neck. “Yes he is.” I hop down off my horse. We are finally at the place I wanted her to see. I assist Lilly down from Thor and once again, the moment I have her in my arms, I am reluctant to let her go. I step away from her with only a little delay, releasing my hands on her hips. I smile slightly when I notice a change in her breathing.
“Close your eyes.” I say as I grab her hand and lead her towards my destination.
We can hear the sound of the water fall as soon as we get within a few feet of it. I thought about this spot because of the picture Lilly showed me in her book when she was just a child. I thought, at the time, that the waterfall in the picture was nothing compared to the Mystique fall of the Locke. When I place Lilly in front of the beautiful falls and tell her to open her eyes, I knew she agreed. Her mouth is wide open as she stares back at the sight of it.
“It’s beautiful.” She whispers.
I do not take my eyes off her as I agree with her statement. “Come.” I say, as I direct her to the edge of the river.
The Mystique Fall is well known in the Locke for its beauty. The sediment in the rocks turns the water to a beautiful purple hue. The giant dragon blossoms from the Red Root Tree sits upon the surface of the water like small teacups. The water fall crashes down over black quartz rock that shines through the water like marble. It is not uncommon to see a Nymph lying out over the many black rocks sunbathing in the heat of the sun. Her multi-colored scales creating rainbows off the water.
Today the fall is vacant. Only birds greet us as we sit by the edge of the river bed. Lilly leans down to pick up one of the dragon blossoms. The pink flower covers the entire palm of her hand.
“What type of flower is this?” Her inquisitive eyes glance up at me briefly then back down to the flower in her hand.
“A dragon flower. The red tree in which these grow from, once only grew in the Hillside where the dragons were known to reside.”
Her eyes widen at my words. “Dra… dragons? Are you telling me there are dragons here?”
I smile at the sudden fear in her eyes. Thank the gods I can alleviate her fear on this particular worry.
“No need to fear, Lilly. Dragons have been long since gone from these lands. In fact, many people have no idea that the dragon blossom is named for that reason, they suspect that it is called a dragon blossom for the little stem inside.” I take the blossom from her hand and point to the red and orange stem inside that resembles flames of a fire.
“Oh wow! It looks like the flower is breathing fire.” Again her eyes light up in amazement. She takes the flower from my hand examining it further. I watch as her hand strokes the outer petals of the blossom gently. My mind turns inwardly and I imagine that tentative touch brushing against my cock. Immediately I am painfully hard and standing at full attention. I readjust myself as best as possible without drawing attention to myself. No matter what she does, my dick reacts to her. Even just looking at the way her golden honey skin shines in the sunlight, or the look of her bare slender shoulder as it bunches with her movement. It all has me painfully ready for her. I watch her full lips, that I imagine are soft and lush, and I wonder what they would taste like? Anytime I am around Lilly my body is hyperaware of everything about her.
“Thank you, by the way.” Her voice brings me out of my erotic thoughts. She turns to look at me and I am caught up in the beauty of her hazel eyes.
“For what?” I ask distractedly. She looks back at the blossom in her hand before placing it back into the water where it floats away.
“For taking the time to show me things like this,” She points towards the waterfall. “It’s good to take a break from everything. Sometimes it feels like everywhere I go I am reminded of the seriousness of my situation. Either
someone is trying to kill me, or they are looking at me waiting for me to fix something. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind helping and being able to feed all those people today was amazing, but I just need a moment to breathe. I need a moment to be Lilly.”
Unaware of my actions I reach out and push her hair behind her ear. “I never want you to be anybody but Lilly around me.” Her beautiful eyes turn towards me, and I know she can see the lustful look in my eyes. I can tell by the pink that tinges her cheeks, the way her eyes drop to my lips, and the unmistakable aroma of her arousal.
She looks away from me suddenly, her eyes falling back to the waterfall. I can see the moment Lilly makes up her mind. Her throat bobs, her eyes close momentarily and she inhales sharply before she turns back to me with a determined look in her eyes.
I’m momentarily shocked at the realization that my little Lilly is going to make the first move. Part of me is proud of her for being so brave, and the other part is so fucking turned on I want to toss her to the ground and bury my dick in her so deep she would never be able to pull it out. That thought startles me and I flash away from her immediately. What are you doing Assassin? I cannot lose myself when I am with Lilly. My sexual appetite is known to be rough and hard. If you are walking the next day after I am done with you, you are damn sure doing it with a limp. In Lilly’s delicate condition and with her inexperience I could hurt her if I lose control. And I would rather die than hurt her.
I look back at her and she is looking at the water. Even from this distance I can see the hurt she is feeling. How do I explain to her that I am not rejecting her, but trying to protect her from the raging hard on that is dying to claim her?
“Lilly……” I start, but she interrupts me.