Lilly III Read online

Page 13

  As soon as I walk out the queen’s suite I am met by Rykan. As always he looks handsome. The deep purple vest went wonderfully with his bronzed skin and dark hair.

  “Rykan, what are you doing here?” I ask as he hands me one long stemmed red rose.

  “I was wondering if I could get some alone time with you. I finally have you in my kingdom and it is like I have not spent any time with you.”

  I always seem to forget about Rykan. My mind is so clouded with Assassin that I forget that I share something special with Rykan. However, after being in Assassin’s arms and having him touch me the way he did, I cannot seem to muster up that same feeling I once had when around Rykan. Yes, the night we shared was wonderful, but it felt like a small campfire compared to the roaring forest fire that Assassin seems to ignite in me. I’m sure the fact that Rykan is attached has something to do with the vanishing lust I feel towards him. I will not deny how attractive he is, but Rykan is not for me. A certain silver eyed elf seems to have all my attention, if only I can ignore this nagging feeling in the back of mind.

  “Rykan, I don’t think…..”

  “Rykan?” Sarafine calls out as she walks up and stands beside him. “Did you come to walk me home?” Her smile is smug until she notices the rose in my hand. Rykan rubs the back of his head as his eyes dart to me and then back to Sarafine.

  “Actually, Sarafine, I’ve come to spend time with Lilly.”

  Anger, fear, and hurt spreads across Sarafine’s face rapidly before she settles on her calm and collective look. She clasps her hands in front of her and smiles demurely at him. It is times like this I feel sorry for her. I don’t think Sarafine loves Rykan as much as she loves the title of princess. To her, my presence has nothing to do with me taking Rykan, the man from her, but out of fear of me taking Rykan the prince away from her. This is why I feel sorry for her. She’s willing to marry a man because of what he can do for her, and not because she loves him.

  “Yes, but I need your time too.”

  “I said not now, Sarafine.” Rykan says dismissively to Sarafine. That hurtful look turns into pure rage as she takes in his cold words. As quickly as the look comes it is tampered down with a sophisticated calm look. This girl clearly has issues.

  “I understand, My Prince.” She bows her head and walks away to her waiting mother and friends. All three ladies give me a hateful glare before walking off. It isn’t like I’m the one that was short with her.

  As soon as Sarafine and her friends are out of sight I turn to Rykan and say, “You shouldn’t have done that. She is your future bride.”

  I try to hand the rose back to him. Although it is a nice gesture, he should not continue to give me gifts. It is time Rykan comes to terms with the fact that he will be marrying Sarafine soon. I can’t continue to be his first priority. Plus, it isn’t right for my budding relationship with Assassin to continue to allow Rykan to think we can have what we had before. I really hope Assassin and I have a relationship.

  Rykan looks down at the rose in my outstretched hand, but doesn’t take it back.

  “Come walk with me, Lilly, I have something I want to discuss with you.”


  “Please.” He pleads. And although I want to talk to Miriam, and continue to drive myself crazy with thoughts of Assassin, I decide to give Rykan a few moments of my time.

  “Miriam, can you see that Mogo gets back to the room?”

  Miriam nods and says, “Come Mogo, you can help me carry the fabric for Lilly’s new dress.”

  “Mogo help pretty elf.” Mogo smiles and follows behind Miriam.

  “I shall go with her… help keep an eye on the boy.” Hyland says, and his entire face turns bright red. We all knew the real reason Hyland is going with Miriam, and it had nothing to do with Mogo. I nod at Hyland and he scurries off behind Miriam and Mogo.

  “We will see you at dinner, Lilly.” Lydell says and she, Kema, and Cleo walks away. The only ones left in the hallway now are Rykan, Myself, and my two guards—Augustus and Bilal.

  “This way, my lady.” Rykan says with a hand leading towards the front of the massive castle.


  We walk in silence for most of the trip. Rykan occasionally pointing out something that he deems interesting for me to see. And try as I might, I cannot seem to stay interested. My mind is still back in those woods by that waterfall. My body still feeling the ghost caress of Assassin’s hands and lips. Thank goodness for the light sheer fabric of the dress that Miriam made, because if not I would die of overheating with this weather and the hot flashes that memory is causing.

  “We’re here.” I blink, not realizing we had stopped. I look out at the ‘here’ that Rykan is indicating. All I see is a vacant lot with a few building supplies lying out in a field.

  “It’s ……..wonderful?” I say confused.

  Rykan laughs beside me. “I guess it isn’t much to look at right now.” He turns and looks at the vacant lot again with a slight frown. I hate that his big reveal isn’t as big as it is supposed to be. If I wasn’t so fuddled about this whole Assassin thing, I might have been able to garner up a little more enthusiasm. I walk towards the building material and the plot of land.

  “What will it be?” I ask, trying to see it’s potential. Rykan walks up beside me. His hand brushing against mine.

  “You are looking at the future home of Lilly’s Sanctuary. A place to store all foods and seeds that can be distributed out to those that are in need. It will also be the place to distribute our daily rations.”

  I gasp and turn to Rykan with a huge smile. “Rykan that’s amazing!”

  I wrap my hands around his neck for a hug. When I pull back he is staring down at me with a look of pure love and satisfaction. I quickly pull away and run my hands down the front of my dress. I have to remember to set boundaries for Rykan and I. Rykan looks a little disappointed at my actions, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he turns back to the empty plot and says, “One day there will be a large building here that will represent the Southern Kingdom as a whole. The wealthy and the common folk. It will be a place where those that have the means, can come and give back to those that do not have. It will be our way to pay back those that do so much for us.”

  “Rykan that is wonderful.”

  He turns to me then, that same look in his eyes. “It’s all because of you, Lilly. You make me want to be a better man, one that you will be proud of. One day our sons,” He places a hand over my belly and when he finally feels the slight swell his eyes look up to mine, that love and admiration is mixed with awe and pride. “One day our sons will rule this realm. I want them to be proud of the work their mother and father has done before them.” He steps towards me with his head bowed, ready to kiss me. I step away from him. The shock on his face is clear.

  “We can’t do this, Rykan. You have Sarafine and…..”

  “I’m calling off the wedding.” That almost plows me over.


  Rykan turns away from me clenching his hands into tight fists. “When I left your realm that night, I tried to get you out of my mind. I even tried to pretend that I could live out the rest of my life as planned by my father. But you were always there, in my thoughts and in my dreams. Then when I saw you that day in the Elf Queen’s throne room, looking beautiful and pregnant with my sons, I knew that I couldn’t be that man anymore.” He turns back to me and grabs both my hands in his. “I’m in love with you, Lilly. I love the person I am when I’m with you. I love that passion you have for people. If I am to become king one day, it is you that I want by my side as my queen.”

  I’m shaking my head trying to make him stop talking. “Rykan….”

  “Don’t deny us, Lilly. We have nothing holding us back anymore. I have spoken to my father already. The marriage to Sarafine is over.”

  “Rykan.” I try to stop him again.

  “We can start now. We can be married before the boys come.”

  I tea
r my hands out of his grasp and use them to cover my face. “I can’t.” I shout. I don’t look up at him but I imagine that if I did I would see the confusion cross his face.

  “Why?” He asks barely above a whisper. It is such a simple question, but it’s a complicated answer. I can’t marry Rykan because I don’t love him. I am in love with someone else. And as much as I tell myself that this is stupid, that you can’t possibly be in love with a man you barely know—one that may or may not be in a relationship with someone else—my heart is telling me that I am.

  “I can’t marry you because…” I pause and look up at him. “I’m falling for someone else.” I spare him the truth that I’m beyond falling for Assassin and have completely gone into the territory of utterly in love with him.

  “Assassin.” He states the name so softly.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, and I honestly am. I never meant to hurt Rykan.

  He places a warm palm to my face and smiles down at me. “I am not angry with you, Lilly. I am very angry with Assassin for once again doing this to another woman.” His words hit me like a ton of cement.

  “Lilly,” Augustus calls out as he steps up behind me. “It’s getting late, we should head back.”

  I ignore Augustus. “Again?” I ask Rykan.

  “Come with me if you want the truth, Lilly.”

  A part of me is screaming that wherever Rykan plans to take me I should not go. The saying the truth hurts seems to be ringing loud and clear in my head. I have a feeling this truth will be severe. But even though I feel the warnings, I have to know. I place my hand in Rykan’s outstretched palm.

  “Gentlemen that will be all from you today.” Rykan says to Augustus and Bilal.

  “I go where Lilly goes.” Augustus answers.

  “As an order from the Prince of the Southern Kingdom, you will return back to the castle.” As soon as the words are out of his mouth three of Rykan’s guards surround Augustus and Bilal.

  “Wait don’t hurt them.” I say.

  “It’s ok, Lilly. As long as they follow my order they will be fine. And you will be protected with me.”

  “Lilly!” Augustus warns.

  “Do you want the truth, Lilly?” Rykan asks. I don’t want to leave Augustus and Bilal, but I need to find out the truth about Assassin.

  “I’ll be ok, Augustus. Just go back.” I knew he didn’t want to. He pleaded with his eyes for me to stay, but I needed this.

  “Come, Lilly.” Rykan says, leading me away.

  “If any harm comes to her, Prince, I will not abide your laws.”

  “Is that a threat Elf?” I hear one of the guards question Augustus.

  “Tis a promise.” Augustus proclaims before Rykan takes me away.


  The place Rykan takes me isn’t like any other place I’ve seen in this realm before. The streets are much narrower. The dark stone and wood buildings are closer together and poorly lit giving them an ominous feel. Bright red letters are painted across the tops of the doors. The stench of stale beer and urine seems to float in the air and underneath that is a soft smell of perfumes. Strong and flowery scents that reminds me of those cheap imitation bottles that you get from the dollar stores back home. Most of the buildings have music spilling out of them and loud boisterous voices. While passing one building a man—who seems to have had far too much to drink—leers at me so menacingly I feel the need to shower. I move closer to Rykan, seeking comfort and protection. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me into his side.

  “What is this place?” I ask, as I watch two men stumble out of one of the buildings taking drunken swings at each other.

  “It is called Diagon Ally. It is where the soulless and scum come to drown their sorrows.”

  Rykan ushers me inside one of the buildings and right away I know what kind of place I’m in. When entering the room the first thing you notice is the cloying smell of smoke and perfume mixed with sweat. The next thing you notice is the women in different stages of undress. Some in full dresses, some in nothing but skirts, their breast bared to the world to see and there are a few completely nude. The men in the room are all in some type of drunken bliss. They are groping and grabbing at the women in front of them. What’s worse, are the women that are leading the men into rooms that have no doors, just heavy drapes blocking them from the rest of the room.

  “Rykan what are we doing here?” I swallow, afraid to think that I would find any truth about Assassin in this place.

  “Can I help you?” A beautiful woman with dark hair and red lips ask. She takes in Rykan with an approving smile.

  “I’m looking for Hildred.” Rykan says.

  The girl in front of us pouts and then says, “Hildred always gets the cute ones. Come on.” She walks off through the mass of women and drunken men, Rykan follows while holding my hand. We head towards the back of the tavern, suddenly I’m grabbed by the hips and pulled into someone’s lap.

  “Hey pretty girl. Want to feel what I have for you.” If what he had for me is his sour breath and that small knot pressing in to my bottom, I did not want it.

  “Let go of me.” I shout as I try to stand. Rykan is there immediately. He yanks me out of the man’s lap and then punches the man in the face. The drunk man goes flying backwards out of his chair and lands on the ground. He’s out cold. Rykan grabs my face between his hands and looks me in the eyes.

  “Are you alright?”

  I nod yes. He pulls me into him for a quick hug, then wraps an arm around me tucking me into his side as he again leads the way.

  We end up in a small room behind one of those curtains. The room is the size of my bathroom back at my apartment. There is a small circular table in the middle of the room and a red velvet chaise. There isn’t much else to the room, only a wardrobe in the corner that reminds me of that children’s book with the lion and the witch. The girl with the red lips leaves us in the room alone. Before I could turn to Rykan and ask why we were here, a woman walks in. She is so stunningly beautiful that she looks out of place in this dreadful room. She has eyes so green that they seem like they would be at the end of the yellow brick road. She has that graceful tall and slender build like models. Her hair is a bright red that reminds me of fire. It is bone straight and hangs over one shoulder down to her waist. The only thing she is wearing is a short silk robe that isn’t closed. She walks in on legs that would grace any runway then sits down on the chaise. She looks at me with a quirk of a perfectly arched eyebrow over eyes that slant like a cat and eyelashes so thick and full they don’t look real.

  “Clearly you aren’t here for my services.” Her voice is low and throaty. It has a certain raspy-ness that sounds sultry without her even trying. Her eyes rake over me from head to toe before they turn back to Rykan. “What can I do for you, Prince?”

  “I’m here for the information about the assassin.”

  This didn’t feel right. Why would this woman have any information about Assassin? In one last ditch effort, my heart tried to spare me from this information. It tried to make me leave.

  “Rykan, I don’t know about this. Let’s just go.” I say, trying to tug his arm. I want out of this horrible room with this beautiful woman.

  “I see he’s struck again.” That rapsy sex-filled voice says and I go as still as stone. “You seem a little younger than his usual taste, but he doesn’t really pick them for himself anyway.”

  I turn back to the green-eyed goddess in time to see one slender shoulder rise then fall. She reaches to the table for a small metal container. She opens it up and pulls out a thin white object. When she places the object to the candle on the table I can tell it is a hand rolled cigarette. Immediately a sickly sweet smell fills the room.

  She blows a cloud of smoke from her lips and leans back on the chaise. She even makes smoking look graceful. “Has he given you the offer yet?” She asks me.

  I don’t respond. I can only swallow in my completely dry throat and shake my head. What offer?

p; She laughs a short humorless laugh. “Oh. It’s coming.” She rolls her eyes then looks back at me with a shrewd eye. “First he plays shy, like he’s not interested. Makes you doubt yourself and your value. All the while he’s spending a little alone time with you. Making you feel like you’re special. Like you matter to him. He makes you feel safe. Then you start to trust him.” Her eyes are focused on something on the wall in front of her. When a tear tracks down her cheek I feel as if one is being tugged from my eyes. She turns to me abruptly. “Has he done that yet?”

  I start not to answer her. I feel like if I don’t, I won’t acknowledge that everything she has said has been true so far. From him not being interested, to making me feel safe and special. Everything she described mirrors my relationship with Assassin.

  It seems I didn’t have to say anything, she knew. She smiles at me when she says, “He hasn’t even changed his tactics. Still the same old Assassin. Don’t worry, next comes the good part.” She takes a pull of that sweet smelling cigarette and blows out the smoke. “I won’t knock it, he’s good at that part.”

  My face flames and I drop my head as the memory of his face buried between my legs springs to life. I can feel Rykan tense beside me.

  She chuckles. “Oh don’t be mad at her, Prince. There’s no denying that the assassin is an excellent lover. Why else do you think the elf queen won’t let him go?” at those words my head snaps up. Hildred sees my startled look. She laughs and pulls her legs up on the chaise. “You didn’t know? The assassin and the Elf queen have been lovers for centuries. The only reason he has showed you any interest is because she wants him to. Trust me, better women than you have graced the assassin’s bed, you aren’t special. And you will never take him from her. In fact, soon he will make the offer, he will ask you to join them.” She takes another pull of the cigarette and blows it out. “I would advise against that too, they only ignore you and make you watch them. Then once it’s over, they toss you out and move on to the next one.”