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Lilly III Page 2
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Page 2
“Hemrock, you can’t.” Bevel is still fighting to keep me out of Malinchi’s cruel hands.
Hemrock goes to shake Malinchi’s hand sealing the deal when a potbellied goblin rushes into the room.
“Malinchi, Wormmill.” The goblin says with a breathless bow. He then turns to Hemrock standing up straight. “The King wants to see you and your haul, immediately.” The rotund goblin demands.
“I’ll be there as soon as I get them cleaned up.” Hemrock replies, turning back to Malinchi’s outstretched hand.
“The king demands you now, and he wants ALL of your haul.” The goblin eyes Malinchi’s outstretched hand suspiciously. Hemrock swears under his breath and pulls his hand back to his side.
“Then we will go see the king.”
I find myself standing at the throne of the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. It looks like a fat blob or maybe one of the fat rolls of Jabba the Hutt. The goblin king is a lazy slob of a goblin. He’s so huge that he lacks a neck and it does not help that he’s wearing nothing but Heavy Gem necklaces with an open robe and a loin cloth. He’s sitting on a throne placed on a dais. His girth entirely too large for the dainty throne. Young girls of all breeds attend to him. A petite elf feeds him meat by hand while an immortal rubs his feet. Shackled men are standing off to the side, shirtless. Their chest drenched with sweat and blood.
“My king.” Hemrock says as he approaches the King. He bows his head and kiss the large gemstone on the king’s finger.
“Hemrock.” The king says snatching his hand away from Hemrock as if his mouth is disgusting. The king’s cruel eyes land on us and he smiles. “Welcome to the goblin kingdom, slaves.” I hate that word. “I would like to say I hope you enjoy your stay, but I very well doubt you will.” He laughs and his fellow goblins laugh with him. The king goes to stand and I’m shocked that he can carry all that weight. “Earlier today I had a visitor. One I don’t like to receive.” He frowns. “The visitor says that he was looking for a women.” I visibly tense. My mouth goes dry. Oh no, the dark king knows I’m here. The goblin king continues to talk. “The visitor told me that the girl was taken and he thought that one of my slave trackers may have her. I promised the visitor that if I found her I would turn her over to him. Now, since Hemrock is the last to return and the other trackers slaves did not fit the description, I’m thinking the one he is looking for is amongst you all.”
I remain completely still even though Hemrock’s beady eyes land on me with accusation.
“So, let’s have it. Which one of you is Lilly?” to my credit I didn’t faint when he called my name even though my heart is pounding in my chest.
“Come now,” The goblin king says once no one responds. “The Dark King wants Lilly and I do not plan to disappoint him.”
“Wait! The dark King made this request?” Hemrock asks.
“Yes! Says that if we return her he will give me my weight in sapphires.” That’s a lot of sapphires. Hemrock must have agreed because his eyes widened and he sucked in a shocked breath. “And of course you get a finder’s fee.” The goblin king adds.
“I have an idea of who it might be.” Hemrock turns to me but before he can say anything someone in our line speaks up.
“It is I.” Laya says, stepping forward bravely.
She glances at me and smiles. I am so honored and shocked that I stand there for a moment just staring at her as if she was the Lilly they were searching for. She didn’t even know me, but she would risk her life in this way for me. Though I felt touched by her act of bravery, I couldn’t let her do this. I shake my head at her and take a step forward when Hugan speaks up.
“Please, don’t take my Lilly to the Dark King. She is all I have left in the world.” He is going along with this?
“She is not the one.” Hemrock says, shaking his head.
“No she isn’t. I am.” Mora, the Nix, steps forward.
“It’s me.” Miriam adds and now the three girls are arguing about who is Lilly and I’m just standing there shocked that either of them would risk themselves for me.
“Enough!” The goblin king shouts and the room falls silent. “You think to make a fool of me? I will make you tell me the truth. Bring the whips.” He demands.
“No!” I shout, stepping forward. “It’s me. I am Lilly. Don’t hurt them, they were just being kind.”
“You don’t make request of me slave.” He argues, summoning another goblin with his whip ready to strike a blow.
“Maybe not from you.” I say quickly. “But I can from the Dark King.” The goblin swings the whip in the air ready to strike Laya when I hurry and say. “So if I tell him to punish a goblin king for hurting my friends I’m sure he would.”
The goblin King holds up a hand to stop the young goblin. I wasn’t sure the Dark King would take any of my request, but I’m sure if he wants my ovaries he could at least agree to one of my terms.
“If you hurt either of them,” I say, pulling courage from deep inside me. “I will ask the Dark King for your head as an early wedding gift.” The goblin king narrows his eyes at me, but he didn’t allow the others to be whipped.
“Take the other slaves back to the holding cells.”
“Lilly!” Miriam shouts as one of the goblins grabs her chains.
I try to assure her by giving her my calmest face ever, but I’m too afraid and I know the smile I just gave was more a grimace.
“It’s ok Miriam. I won’t let them hurt you.”
“I do not care for my safety, Lilly.” She glances at my hands that are clutched over my belly.
“Do not worry, Lilly.” Hyland shouts as they practically drag him out the door. “I will find a way to save you.”
“Actually elf, you will be sold first thing in the morning and she will be gone by nightfall.” The goblin king laughs. “Take them away.” The other goblins push and pull my friends out of the castle and I am now alone with the goblin king and Hemrock.
For the first time since I’ve been here in this odd world far away from my family, I feel utterly alone and frightened. What I wouldn’t give to have someone here with me. I would even take my dream man Nevy. A sharp pain cracks across my back and I crumble to the floor in agony.
The goblin king stands over me with a satisfied look on his face.
“No one makes a fool of the goblin king.” He reaches down and grabs my face between his fat sweaty hands. “And if you mention any of this to the Dark King, I will make sure that little elf dies a painfully slow death.” He lets go of my face and I slump back to the floor. My back is on fire where the whip hit me. I can feel little beads of my blood run down my back and drop to the floor beneath me.
“What do we tell the Dark King about the marks?” Hemrock ask.
“Nothing. She was like that when we found her. I am the King of this land, not that bloody bastard of a king.” I was sure that if the Dark King was here this goblin would not be talking this boldly.
“Get her ready for the Dark King.” A few of the goblin king’s female slaves come over to collect me off the floor and drag me off to get ready for a far worst future.
Chapter Two
After I was cleaned and dressed I was tossed in a bare dingy cell. It is small with stone walls and a dirt floor which both contributed to the freezing temperature. I am not dressed for the sharp cold of the cell. I’m wearing a heavy gold bra that digs in my skin and feels like I am carrying ten extra pounds on my chest. It is the same style bra I saw on the goblin king’s slave girls. Connecting to the gold bra are chains that drop down over my stomach in a crisscross loop pattern. My bottoms are a long silk wrap with two front splits that run the entire length of my legs. My hair is in a tight ponytail at the top of my head and I’m still wearing the unnecessary witch chains. I look like I could be a prostitute in the Arabian Nights books.
After being deposited in the bare prison cell I huddled in a corner facing the cell door and that’s where I’ve stayed for the last hour, or at least it feels like an hour. I am sca
red, tired, uncomfortable and cold. I rub my hands down my arms trying to generate heat. My stomach grumbles loudly.
“I’m sorry boys.” I mumble to the darkness. “I promise as soon as I can I will get you food.” Even though I had more pressing matters at hand, my first priority is taking care of my sons. It wasn’t because they would be kings and save this fantasy world, but because they were mine. My first job as a mom is to bring these boys into the world as healthy as I can. I’m struggling with that at the moment. I’m reminded of my struggles as my back rubs against the stone wall and starts to bleed again. I don’t know how poor Mogo can endure that whip as much as he has. As if I’ve thought him up, Mogo appears at my cell door.
“Mogo?” I ask in disbelief, standing to my feet.
“Sara.” Mogo replies, flashing his crooked teeth. I rush to the bars of my prison cell, so happy to see the little boy giant.
“Mogo, what are you doing here? If they see you they will hurt you.”
“No one see Mogo. Too busy fighting strangers. Mogo save Sara.”
“My names Lilly, Mogo. Not Sara.”
“Li…lly..” he says, testing my name on his lips. “Mogo like Lilly better.” I laugh.
“So do I.” Right then a loud crashing sounds from somewhere in the distance. “Mogo, what’s going on?”
“Strangers come for girl. Uncle Bevel tells Mogo to go save nice girl. Mogo here to save.”
Oh no, the Dark King must be here.
“Quick, Mogo, do you know where the keys to this cell is?” I couldn’t allow the dark king to find me. I know what he has planned for me, but I did not know what he would do to my boys.
“No, but Mogo no need keys. Mogo strong.” He grabs the metal bars to my cell and pull them towards him. The metal groans as Mogo pulls. The crashing sound draws closer and I want to rush the giant but he was really doing an outstanding job. Suddenly there is a loud popping sound and the metal door gives. I quickly step out just as someone slams into Mogo knocking him to the ground.
“No, don’t hurt him. Please!” I rush to stand in front of the young giant and I stumble as I look at our attackers face.
“Assassin?” His name is a whisper of relief against my lips. He is here. That ruggedly handsome face with those crystal gray eyes. He is just staring at me with a look like he can’t believe what he is seeing. I forget that I’m dressed like a gypsy prostitute. “They said you were dead.” I say for no other reason than to take some of the attention off my outfit. “But I knew you weren’t. I knew you weren’t dead.” Assassin takes a step towards me, but Mogo, still thinking I’m in danger, grabs me and pushes me behind him.
“Mogo protect.”
Assassin’s face turn from that enraptured dazed look at seeing me into a stone cold fury. His sword appears in his hands and he charges for Mogo.
“You will not touch her giant.”
“No!” I shout again cutting him off. “He’s protecting me, Assassin. Don’t kill him.” Assassin looks at me as if I’m crazy. I ignore his look and turn to Mogo. “Mogo, this is my friend, Assassin. He does not want to hurt us. He is our friend. He won’t hurt you.”
“Debatable.” Assassin adds.
“Mogo protect Lilly.” Mogo says turning to glare at Assassin.
“Yes, Mogo does protect Lilly, but so does Assassin. Will you help Assassin protect Lilly?” Mogo nods his massive head.
“Mogo help friend.”
“Good boy, Mogo.” I say patting his hand like a puppy. “We need to find the others.” I say turning back to Assassin. “They have Miriam…..”
“We already have them.” Assassin says cutting me off. He grabs my hand and starts towards the entrance of the dungeon they were holding me in. Even in the time of stress his touch raises goose bumps on my flesh. I grab Mogo’s hands and lead him out behind me. I was not leaving him. “We found them first, Miriam told me they took you some place separate.” I was immediately relieved.
“What about Augustus and the others?” I ask realizing that I was so relieved to see Assassin that I didn’t ask about the others.
“Everyone is fine.” Assassin turns back to me and smiles, when he realizes that I’m holding onto Mogo he shoots up an eyebrow. “Any reason you’re bringing that……creature with us?” I look back at Mogo who seems to blush at the attention he’s getting from us.
“He goes with us until I find his uncle.”
Assassin shakes his head and continues on his path. “I can’t leave you alone for a moment,” Assassin laughs turning to me briefly as we race through a long corridor. “You friended a giant?”
“He’s half giant and half goblin.” I correct.
“He’s ugly.” Assassin jokes.
“He isn’t ugly, he’s just misunderstood.” We stop at a large door and peek out before we push through.
“Trust me,” Assassin says as we continue running. “It’s understood.”
When we rush out the dungeon’s doors the goblin kingdom looks like a scene from a war movie. Buildings are on fire, people are rushing around like the world is ending. A goblin runs up to Assassin with a weapon that looks like an ax but has a sharp edge on both sides of the ax head. Assassin kicks out his foot and sends the goblin sailing through the air like a soccer ball. He does this without even breaking his stride.
“We need to get to the mountain’s entrance.” Assassin says over the ruckus. “The others will meet us there.”
Just then about four goblins approach us, one throws a blade that embeds in Assassin’s thigh. Assassin swears and releases his hold of my hand to pull the blade out of his thigh muscle.
“You’re going to pay for that you little fuck.” Assassin’s blade appears in his hand and he slices through the goblin’s mid-section. The others attack. Assassin pushes me out of the way of the scuffle and shouts, “stay back”. No need to tell me twice. I’ve been on the receiving end of a goblin’s strength, not something I care to repeat. Mogo and I step away from the battle in front of us. I watch expectantly, waiting to see if I will be needed, when suddenly Mogo cries out behind me. I turn to find a knife sticking out of his arm.
“Oh my God, Mogo!” I try to pull the blade out of the tight muscle in his forearm, but the blade is wedged in so deep I can’t get it out. With every pull Mogo cries out.
“I’m sorry,” I say apologetically as I continue to pull the blade out. As soon as this blade is out another small blade whizzes by my head only inches away from my face. I turn to see who is culpable for the attack and it’s Malinchi, the goblin that thought to buy me from Hemrock.
“Where do you think you are going, Slave?” I shrink away from him. He has another blade between the fingers of his hand and I know by the way he is holding the blade he is pretty accurate with it. “Step away from the abomination and walk towards me, or I will plant another blade into the creature and this time it won’t be someplace he will survive.” My heart race in my chest. I look back at Assassin for assistance. He seems to be caught up in his own battle. He is surrounded by a swarm of goblins and though he seems to be making short work of them, he is still busy. While I was thinking about my next move the goblin throws another blade and lodges it in Mogo’s shoulder. Mogo cries out and I step forward.
“Enough!” I shout. “Leave him out of this.” I say to the despicable goblin.
“Come to me.” He demands with a sneer. He has another one of those blades in between his fingers and I’m wondering where he keeps them all. I take a slow step towards him, I’m hoping that if I take my time I can devise a plan to get away from him.
“Lilly no go with Malinchi. Lilly go with friend.” Mogo says behind me. Yeah, that’s the plan Mogo.
“It’s alright Mogo.” I try to calm him. I didn’t want him to draw to much attention to himself and make Malinchi toss another blade. This time he might just toss it in his heart or neck.
When I get to Malinchi’s side he grabs my wrist with so much force I think he must have bruised a bone. I cry out from
the pain and Mogo roars behind me. It sounded like a true giant and not like a ten year old boy.
“No Hurt Lilly.” He charges towards Malinchi, but I can tell he won’t be quick enough. I’m guessing giants aren’t really known for their speed. The blade in Malinchi’s hand is ready to aim at Mogo’s throat. With his hand raised I could see where he was getting those blades. They were lined up around his waist in some type of leather fastener. I grab one of the blades from its place and lodge it in the goblin’s side. I’m not initially a violent person, but you know that saying “When in Rome?”, well I if I am going to survive in this crazy world, I needed to do as the Romans or in this case the Lockeans. Malinchi glances down at the blade protruding from his side. This would have probably been the time for me to make my escape, but I am just as shocked at the bone handle of the blade sticking out from his body.
“You slave whore.” Malinchi shouts, then back hands me across the face causing me to hit the ground hard. These damn goblins and their crazy strength. Mogo kneels beside me placing a protective arm over me. Malinchi pulls the blade out of his side. I guess it wasn’t as deep as I had hoped for.
“Now you and that creature will die. He places the blade between his fingers and throws it. Two things happen simultaneously, first Bevel appears out of nowhere and dives in between me and the blade and second Assassin appears behind Malinchi and drives his blade straight through the goblin’s back and out through his chest. When the Assassin removes his blade the goblin crumbles to the ground. I would have marveled in the beauty of Assassin. With his shirt torn down the middle his chest was on display, and the only time I’ve seen abs like that is when flipping through a fashion magazine. Assassin’s chest was like an exhibit at a museum, breathtakingly beautiful but completely forbidden to touch. His wavy dark hair was tousled on his head and some was even streaked across his face in damp stings. Yes, I could have marveled at his handsome sight all night, but something warm and wet was soaking through my chest. Initially I thought the blood was coming from me, but seeing as I wasn’t in any pain I knew it wasn’t me. The impact of the blade had knocked Bevel on top of me. I slowly climbed out from under him being sure not to move him too much. I was joined at my side by Assassin.