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Page 7

  The sound of a throat clearing breaks us apart. I turn to find Rykan standing their watching us. As always, he looks handsome in his white tunic and black slacks. His dark coal colored hair falling in deep waves to his shoulders. He looks just as handsome as he did the first time I saw him, even with the deep scowl on his face.

  “You are woke.” Rykan simply states.

  “Yes, I would have told you, but I was told you were in important meetings this morning.” I turn to Assassin to verify what he told me. I did not miss the very cunning grin on his face. Did Assassin lie to me?

  “I’m sure you were told that, Lilly. In the future, no matter what I am supposedly doing, feel free to interrupt,” Rykan takes a step closer to me and places a soft hand to the bump underneath my dress. “You are the mother of my children, you will always come first in my book.”

  His words make me blush. At least he considers me important enough to be a priority. To be honest, I’ve never really given Rykan a chance. I mean, I gave him a chance and his chance got me knocked-up. But, I’ve never stopped to consider us as a couple. Do I want to get to know Rykan? He doesn’t make me feel like Assassin, but that’s not fair to him. Why not give Rykan a chance, it makes more sense since he is the father of the twins.

  “And in what order does your fiancée come in this priority line up? Is it before or after Lilly?” Assassin’s question reminds me again of why Rykan and I can never be. I step away from his touch. Not because I don’t want him to feel his sons, but because when he touches me, I forget that he is not mine.

  The displeasure is written all over Rykan’s face as he addresses Assassin. “Assassin, so quick to mention Sarafine, should I list some of your conquest? I’m sure Lilly has the hours to spare.” I catch the clenching of Assassin’s fist out the corner of my eye. Hours????

  How many woman has Assassin had? Does it matter? Should it matter? Look at him, Lilly, you know a man like that wouldn’t be without some baggage. It is not like I am without flaws. This just better clarifies that the assassin is out of my league. What would he want with an inexperienced girl like me?

  I clear my throat to dislodge the knot stuck in it. “I’m sorry, Rykan, I should have told you when I woke.” I had to change the subject. Thinking about how I would never compare to the females in Assassin’s life is making me feel down.

  “No worries, Lilly. You can make it up to me.” Rykan says, cheering up. He holds a hand out for me to take. “How would you like me to escort you around the Southern Kingdom? I should show you what our sons will one day rule.”

  I loved this idea. Not because I cared about what our sons will rule, but because I am dying to see this land.

  I smile brightly, “I would love it. Can I go, Assassin?” I turn and ask my body guard.

  The small smile he offers is not as bright as some I’ve seen earlier today.

  “You do not have to ask me, Lilly.”

  “Come, Lilly, we shall see all the vendors in town.” I place my hand in Rykan’s as he starts to lead us away. I turn to see Assassin hand over Thor’s rein to a stable boy and then proceed to follow us. I smile as I turn back around. That little gesture brings me comfort. Although I shouldn’t, I can’t help the need to have Assassin around me at all times.

  Chapter Six

  It turns out the Southern Kingdom is a bustling village. Walking out the front of the Castle doors I am met with tons of people scurrying around. Beautiful people dressed in some of the most regal attire I had ever seen. Dresses made with soft fabrics and beautiful colors. The men were dressed just as beautiful as the women. It’s as if I’m walking on the Hollywood set for some medieval movie. I couldn’t take in enough of the sights and smells of the aromatic foods and spices. Vendors with fresh breads and roasted meats lined the streets. Fruit vendors with fruits like colorful artwork on their tables. And the jewelry, so much beautiful jewelry. The people seemed nice if not too guarded of me. They all bow at Rykan and smile cautiously at me when introduced.

  “She is absolutely stunning, Prince Rykan.” One man went as far as to say when Rykan introduced us.

  “I cannot agree with you more, Duke Mosby.” Rykan answered, smiling at me. I blushed and looked away.

  I’ve enjoyed this time with Rykan. It reminds me of our night together. When we stayed awake and talked for hours. This time feels different because he doesn’t have to hold back. He asks me of my health and my fears and I mention the fears of being a mother. (I still can’t believe I’m halfway through this pregnancy.)

  I also notice that Rykan touches me a lot, like rubbing his palm against my belly every time we stop. It’s like he finds any excuse to touch me. Even now, my arm is tucked securely in his. Whenever I step towards a vendor to ask about a funny looking fruit or to smell the beautiful flower arrangement he stands right behind me with his hand at my lower back. If one didn’t know any better they would think we were madly in love. However, I’m constantly reminded of the truth every time I turn around and catch a glimpse of Assassin behind me, or Rykan’s two burly guards that are trailing a little further behind. Even Augustus and Bilal that are ahead of us in the crowd are reminders that although this feels nice, it isn’t real. Rykan is very much still engaged, and I’m just here to deliver these kings.

  I stop at a vendor selling fruit when something catches my eye.

  “Excuse me,” I call out to the frail old man with the scraggily hair. “Is that trap fruit?” I ask when he turns his attention to me.

  “Yes it is. It’s fresh too. Just got it this morning.” He shows me the many knots on his arms and the one on his neck. I cringe at the sight of the swollen stings. The sight will always remind me of Mogo and how he took care of me.

  “How much are they?” I ask. I didn’t have any money, but if I figured out how much they were I could maybe find a way to get some cash and buy a few for Mogo.

  “Lilly, don’t be silly.” Rykan says beside me. “If you would like something, just ask. You do not need to worry about the cost.” I don’t know how I feel about Rykan paying for anything for me. I have been paying for my own stuff since I got my first job at 15 helping Uncle Buddy haul off people’s junk on the weekend. However, I don’t have any cash. When I bought a gift for Augustus’s daughter I didn’t need any money, the vendor just wrapped it up and handed it to me. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that was the norm around here. Before I could reply to anything, Assassin hands the man some coins. The old man grins a toothless smile and gives me an entire basket of the trap fruit.

  “Have you lost your mind?” Rykan yells at Assassin. “Lilly does not need your little coins. Whatever she wants I will supply.” Rykan grabs another basket of trap fruit and hands it to me. I have no idea what I will do with two large baskets of trap fruit, but I don’t say anything to discourage him. Not that I could, because Assassin replies in a calm voice.

  “Save your money for your future bride. Avalia has supplied Lilly with more than enough to take care any of her expenses. And anything else she needs, I supply.” This was the first I had heard about some bank account for me. How much of a tab am I running up? I don’t like the idea of spending someone else’s money.

  “You will supply?” Rykan balls his hands in a fist at his sides. It’s the first time today he has released his hold on me. “What are you trying to supply?”


  Assassin’s response seems to enrage Rykan. I can see the vein in his neck dance with his pulse. He takes a step towards Assassin.

  “Guys, it is really not that big of a deal. I can just put the fruit back.”

  “You will do no such thing.” Assassin replies, but does not take his eyes off Rykan.

  “Do not speak to her, you are to follow and be silent. You should learn your place, servant.”

  Assassin takes a step closer towards Rykan and immediately Rykan’s guards are at his side.

  “I am no one’s servant.”

  “Are you not a guard for the Queen of the Elv
es? Unless there is more to your relationship?” I flinch at those words. Please tell me I haven’t been having explicit thoughts about another woman’s man, again. Am I destined to be a home wrecker? Is that all I’ll ever be? And here Avalia is so generously supplying me with funds and I’m thinking of naughty positions that her lover could place me in.

  “We aren’t engaged, if that’s what you mean. Unlike you, I am unattached.”

  “At the moment. I’m sure by tonight your bed will be filled with some nameless whore.” This time the step Assassin takes towards Rykan is with the intention of causing harm. Rykan’s guards are there to interfere.

  “Do it. I will have you tried for treason and thrown into my dungeon. It will take the elven Queen weeks to get enough backers to clear your name.” Rykan’s words seem to affect Assassin because I can almost feel the anger vibrating off his body. One of Rykan’s guards thinks to reassure Assassin of Rykan’s threat by placing a hand on Assassin’s shoulder. Augustus appears at Assassin’s side accompanied by Bilal.

  “I advise you to move that hand, if you value it.” Augustus suggests to the guard.

  “Do not speak to my men that way.” Rykan shouts.

  After that voices go up as both parties argue back and forth. I’m shoved to the side as bystanders move in closer to see the commotion. A crowd has drawn and I’m pushed further and further away as more people try to catch a glimpse of the group of men arguing. I’m nearly shoved to the ground when a strong hand grabs my arm.

  “Careful, Beautiful girl.” The silky voice says.

  I look up to find sparkling green eyes. Clearly it is another elf. If the eyes didn’t give it away, the pointed ears did. He is handsome in his own right with his dark blonde hair and cleft chin.

  After righting myself and picking up the few trap fruit that fell from my baskets I look up to thank the nice elf, but when I turn he is gone. Odd. I try to get back to Assassin and Rykan but the crowd is too thick now. Well that’s just great. Maybe I should head back to the castle. I turn to head back towards what I knew to be the castle’s entrance when something catches my eye. A little boy with wild sandy brown hair with face and clothes so dirty and worn it’s almost like he slept in them underground. I watch the too skinny kid and my heart breaks. Although my clothes were never dirty, they were worn. Most of my clothes as a kid came from the consignment shop down the road, and though they were new to me, they were not always in the greatest condition. I watch the little boy look around cautiously. I’ve seen the look that’s on his face before.

  I only tried to steal once in my life. It was a pack of bologna from Mr. Martin’s grocery. I got out the door and half way home before my conscious turned me back around to take it back. I cried as I handed the meat back to Mr. Martin and apologized profusely. I still got a whooping that night. Mr. Martin forgave me right away and told me not to worry. That night, the church brought a box of food to mama’s trailer. I was so happy to see all that food, I couldn’t wait to dig in it. When mama questioned why they were bringing it, the ladies from the church told mama what Mr. Martin had relayed to them. Mama’s face turned bright red as she turned the women around with their hand-me-down food and pity filled eyes. I was devastated to see that food go, especially my grumbling belly. Mama wore my tail out that night and then Uncle Buddy came over and wore it out again. He told me it’s one thing to be desperate, he understood that, but Peters don’t steal. It didn’t matter that I took it back, all a person has is their honor, when you lose that you become like those low-life you find that rob and kill for their needs. He told me, when you get desperate, you work harder.

  I watch as the little boy quickly takes the nearest loaf of bread and sticks it in his sack. As quick as he was, he is not quick enough. The shop owner sees him and immediately seizes the boy by the hand. I figure the boy will get a quick reprimand and sent on his way without the bread. That is fine, I will happily give him the extra fruit basket. What I see next almost makes me faint. The shop owner strikes the boy so hard the kid spins around in a full circle before he hits the ground. I am rushing over to him as fast as my feet can carry me.

  “……I’ll teach you to steal from me.” The shop owner pulls a large blade from his apron pocket. He tries to grab the boy from the ground, but I quickly snatch the kid away from him.

  “Have you lost your mind?” I shout.

  “Move girl.” A set of yellow teeth sneer at me.

  The little boy clutches my dress trying to pull me away. “Hurry, Miss,” He encourages. “We must run.”

  “No you don’t.” The shop owner shoves me into his wooden stand and my fruit baskets drop from my hands scattering fruit everywhere. Poor Mogo, his trap fruit will be too bruised to eat by the time I get them back to him. The shop owner grabs the boy’s arm and holds it out while lifting his blade over his head. I wouldn’t be fast enough to stop him without being hurt myself. I’m brave, but I don’t have an immediate death wish. I do the only thing I can think of, I shout for Assassin.

  The moment his name is out of my mouth the shop owner stops and turns to me and I can see the immediate fear in his eyes. Only seconds later the same shop owner is on his back with the Assassin’s blade at his neck. I rush to the little boy and wrap him in my arms. I’m probably smothering the poor child as I push his face into my chest. This place is insane. Who does things like chopping off a hungry child’s arm just for stealing a loaf of bread? Augustus immediately appears behind me.

  “Are you alright, Lilly?” Augustus asks.

  “He was going to cut off the boy’s arm.”

  “He stole from me. It is my right by law of King Bartus.” At this proclamation, Rykan, Bilal, and Rykan’s guards approach.

  “Is that true, Rykan? Would you have allowed this man to cut off this boy’s arm?” I ask, not believing what I am hearing.

  Rykan looks at me sheepishly. He runs a hand through his hair. “Lilly,” His voice pleads. “Things are different here. We do not live the same as your realm. The boy committed a crime.”

  “Because he was hungry. He is not a criminal.”

  “Now, he steals for hunger, tomorrow, he takes for pleasure. You have to stop it early.”

  I understand this. Many criminals start off small, a little petty theft here, because they are desperate and in need, then it goes unchecked and it becomes something more. I look down at the small boy wrapped in my arms. His brown glistening eyes look back at me and all I can see is that little hazel eyed girl whose stomach was so empty she couldn’t even think about anything more than her next meal.

  “Why did you take the bread?” I ask him.

  He looks down at his fisted hands. “I’m the man of the house now. My mam is heavy with child and still nursing my brother. She needs the extra. My harvest didn’t fetch enough today. I’ll put the bread back. I’m sorry.” My heart clinches at his words.

  “No need to apologize to me.” I nod to the asshole shop vendor on the ground.

  “I’m sorry, Sir, I would have paid you back for it, that’s what I do with the others.”

  Still on the ground, the shop vender turns away from the boy and towards Rykan. “I am entitled to my justice, Prince.” Why, the little weasel.

  “How much for the bread that was stolen?” I ask, balling my fist at my side. I will never get use to the cruelty of some people.

  “One silver king’s coin.” I have no idea how much that is.

  “Assassin, do I have enough for that?”

  Without removing his blade from the shop keeper’s neck, Assassin supplies a silver coin that drops on the shop keeper’s chest.

  “That should be enough for your troubles. Will it not?” Rykan ask.

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “How much for enough bread for an entire month?” I ask.

  The shop owner’s jaw drop and his eyes widen. For the first time I see his crooked teeth show for something other than a sneer.

  “Miss, you don’t have to do that. I appreciate al
l you’ve done for me.” The little boy states.

  “Hush boy.” The shop owner scolds. “It would be twenty gold king’s coins.” I look to Assassin again and he nods to let me know I can afford it. I will have to find a way to pay Avalia back.

  “Good!” I say, grabbing the boy’s hand and walking away.

  “Wait!” The shop owner calls. “Don’t you want the bread?”

  “I do, but not from you. I will give my money to a shop owner that isn’t a heartless asshole with bad teeth.” The little boy laughs and I lead him to another bread shop.

  “What’s your name?” I ask the boy.

  “Matthias, Miss.”

  “Matthias, call me Lilly. Have you learned your lesson today?”

  The boy looks down at the large bag filled with enough bread to last him for two months.

  “I’m not a bad kid. It just gets hard with my pa gone. I wish I could say I would never do it again, but I can’t stand to see my Ma suffer or my siblings cry from hunger. I was honest with you. I always pay back and I never take more than enough to feed for a day.”

  “Are there no other options?”

  “No, Miss. There are none. Not unless I go to the Northern Kingdom and fight in the Dark king’s army.” I could tell by the hardness in his voice that he did not like that idea one bit. Neither did I.

  I stop at a few other shops. I bought enough food to give the kid a hearty meal for at least a day or two. I would have gotten more, but I wasn’t sure how much of a credit I had. Every shop I stopped at, I would turn to Assassin when I was quoted a price and he would simply nod. Still I didn’t want to run up too high of a bill. Rykan offered to pay a few times, but he stopped after I continued to turn him down. Even though I shouldn’t be, I was still angry at Rykan. I just felt as if he could have done more against that shop owner if he’d wanted to.

  I follow Matthias to his house. All day, I got to view only one side of the Southern Kingdom. Now, as I walk past small dilapidated houses that look as if they couldn’t withstand a heavy wind and more people that looks as if they have missed a few meals, I’m starting to see that the way the others lived is the exception. I see more people that look like Matthias than Rykan. It brings tears to my eyes to see the small children with their hollow faces and ratty clothes.