Lilly III Read online

Page 8

  “How do they survive like this?” I ask no one in particular.

  “They do it because there is no other choice.” It is Bilal that answers me. “This is really nice what you are doing for the boy. It is more than many people will ever do. However, it will not fix the problem.”

  Bilal is right. Though Matthias and his family will eat well tonight, many of the other faces I see will go hungry. Not to mention, that once the food that I supplied Matthias with runs out, he will be back where he started.

  “How do I fix this?”

  Bilal looks at me and I can see the pride in his eyes. “I don’t know for sure, but I do know it requires more than just having those kings.” He points to my abdomen. “I believe in YOU, Lilly. I know it is supposed to be the future kings that save us, but I’ll put my money on their mother any day.” He reaches out and squeezes my shoulder before walking up and joining Augustus.

  His words bring a smile to my face. I know there is more I can do to help these people. I just don’t know how yet.

  Matthias’ home is a small little house that sits on a farm. There is one mule and a cow in the field. I’ve counted three chickens so far and a dog. The closer we get I spot a few more kids out in the yard. They all have the same sandy brown hair that Matthias has and they all share that fatigued look.

  “Ma, Matthias is back, and he’s brought guest.” One of the small children shouts.

  Suddenly a short woman with dark circles under her eyes, a child on her hip and a belly the size of a watermelon steps on to the porch.

  “What’s going on?” the moment her eyes land on Rykan she drops to her knees. “Your highness!” she says bowing her head.

  “Please, stand to your feet.” Rykan directs. I rush up the stairs to help her up. With the weight she has in front of her, I didn’t think she would be able to get there alone. Besides, that will be me in only three more months. That thought still has my head spinning.

  “Ma,” Matthias says behind me. “This is Lilly, and she got us food. I…uh…”

  His mother’s eyes squint as she looks back at the boy. I’ve seen that look before.

  “He came to my rescue when a shop owner was being rude to me. I thought to pay him back with a hot meal.” The woman’s eyes shoot to her oldest son with so much pride that I don’t feel bad about the lie. If I learned nothing from my one time brush with the law, it’s that it’s nothing worse than a whooping after your mom finds out you were caught shoplifting. If I can save just one person from that type of punishment then I have done my job.

  “Well come in, have a seat.” She says. “Mildred, take your sister and get some fresh water from the well for our guest.”

  “Oh don’t go out of your way for us.”

  “Nonsense.” Matthias says ushering me inside. “We very seldom get guest.”

  I find myself sitting around the table with Assassin on one side of me. His arms stretched out on the back of my chair. Matthias is in the other seat next to me, he flopped down the moment I sat even though Rykan was heading for the seat. Rykan quietly sat on the other side of him. Augustus is in front of me and Shahina—Matthias’ mother—is between him and Bilal.

  Shahina fixed a wonderful stew for her kids and herself. While they ate we sat around and talked. From the moment I entered the house I’ve had at least one of the six children in my lap. At the moment the baby is lying on my shoulder. His face is buried in the crook of my neck as I pat his back. This is my first time holding a baby and it feels natural. Shahina handed the crying child to me when she started to prepare the meal. I had no idea what to do with it at first. It was Matthias that told me to try to talk to it and soothe it. He said that was what his mother did. So I did, and to my surprise it worked. In fact, after the baby woke from his nap he reached right for me out of his mother’s arms, which is why I’m holding him now.

  “You’re good with him.” Shahina says, and I blush at her words.

  “Thank you!”

  Assassin’s hand strokes my shoulder in small circles. I know he’s thinking about my concerns from earlier this morning. It is inspiring to hear someone else say that I’m doing well in this role. Maybe I will do well as a mother.

  Assassin leans into me and whispers. “I told you, you had nothing to fear.” I look up into his crystal eyes and again I get lost in that heated look. I readjust my seat in the chair to take the pressure off the sudden throbbing between my thighs. I have got to get a handle on these pregnancy hormones. I fear that if I don’t I will soon jump Assassin in a horny rage.

  “How far along are you?”

  “Two months.”

  Shahina smiles. “Not too much longer to go. I’m in my fifth and final month with this one.” She rubs her rounded belly proudly. “Although, you don’t have much to worry about. I’ve heard elf babies are a lot easier on the body.”

  “I’m sorry?” I ask confused.

  “The baby. It’s half elf, right?” She says looking between Assassin and me. I tense. If only.

  “No, half mine.” Rykan says snidely.

  Shahina looks down apologetically. “I didn’t know, my apologies, your highness.”

  “It’s ok, Shahina.” I say, breaking the tension. I don’t blame her for assuming I was with Assassin’s child. For a moment I allow myself to get wrapped up in a daydream that I was with Assassin’s child. I wouldn’t have to share him with his fiancée. I could have him all to myself. This man, that every time he touches me has my pulse dancing for him, could be mine. But that is only in my dreams.

  “I just assumed that prince Rykan was still to wed, Lady Sarafine.”

  “Oh, he is.” Assassin adds with a smile.

  “Oh!” I watch the look of confusion cross Shahina’s heart shaped face followed by the sudden realization.

  Yes, I am pregnant by another woman’s fiancé. Talk about the mood killer.

  “Well what would that make you, Lilly?” Matthias’ innocent eyes look up to me with confusion. Suddenly I can’t breathe, or think, or open my mouth. A whore. A home wrecker. I have a lot of names kid, which one do you want?

  “It makes her a woman.” Shahina answers her son. “A very desirable woman.” She looks to me and smiles. I smile timidly back at her.

  I hate the tension and the now heavy weight in the room. I will never get over being labeled as the tramp. Part of me want to blame Rykan for all this, but I know that it is partially my fault as well. I should have asked these questions. Are you single should be the first question you ask a man you decide to sleep with. I guess I missed that lesson.

  “Where is your husband, if you don’t mind me asking?” Augustus’ question cuts through the awkward tension. Thank goodness.

  Shahina drops her head down and I’m sure I know what she is about to say. “He was turned by the Dark king, before I even knew I was expecting this child.” Ok, so not what I was expecting.

  “Turned?” Assassin questions. He looks at Augustus with an arched brow. “Do you mean recruited?”

  “My Pa would never willingly work for the Dark King.” Matthias’ argues. I place a hand over his clenched fist to calm him.

  “Sorry, lad,” Assassin apologizes. “I meant no harm. I’ve just never heard of the term “turned”.”

  “It’s true.” Shahina proclaims. “In the midst of the Dark King taking all those women, he started to take men as well. At First we thought it was to fight in his army, but you and I know he does not make soldiers fight, he recruits them. One night, his shoulders came into our village. They raided us, taking women and killing off any men that fault back. When the smoke cleared we realized that two men were missing. These were good men. Men that are loyal to the Southern Kingdom.” She glances to Rykan as she says this. “A search party was sent out to look for the missing men. They looked for days with no results. Then one day one of the men showed back up. He was in bad shape. Someone had cut him open from chest to pelvis and then stitched him back up.”

  I gasp at the gruesome
description. Matthias and Assassin both place a soothing hand on me.

  “Maybe we should wait to discuss this when Lilly is not around.” Rykan adds. “She does not need to hear this in her condition.”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m fine. Continue.” If this is the world I am to be living in for a while I need to know everything about it.

  Shahina continues with her story and I have to control my urge to hurl.

  “When the man first came back he was weak. He told his wife that he had escaped the prison that the Dark King kept him in. He described the rancid smell and the horrible screams. He told them that the Dark King cut him open while he was still fully awake and then performed some kind of dark spell. He said when he woke up from the ritual he was stitched back up. He was fine for a day or two, only running a high fever. Heath, my husband, even went by there to take them some of my sheep stew. Heath said that the man was sitting up but he looked ill. Then he started to change. First his eyes changed colors. The whites of his eyes took on a sickly yellow and the irises turned a blood red. Then the color of his skin darkened to resemble ash from a fire. By the time the body spasms started you could barely recognize the man he was. Before he slaughtered those people and ran off in the night, he was something else entirely.”

  My heart is pounding in my chest so hard and so fast the baby in my arms notices and starts to squirm. What does she mean something else entirely?

  “How many people did he kill?” Assassin’s voice is all business now.

  “Two women, three children, and five men.” Matthias answers.

  “Including his own wife and children.”

  “Three men were injured. They say they had never seen anything so strong, not even the giants. Before anyone could catch him he shot through the forest with a speed that rivaled the shifters.”

  “And people saw this first hand?” Bilal asks.


  “Why haven’t we been notified of this?” Rykan seems enraged by this news. “If this is going on in my Kingdom why a complaint haven’t been noted?”

  “We have tried, your highness, three times. But the council is not seeing any more of the commoners. I tried to go to them myself when my Heath was taken, but they denied me saying they could not help me. They said this without even hearing my issue.”

  I can see the fury and the tension in Rykan’s tensed shoulders. Actually all the men at the table seem upset by this new news.

  “I will get to the bottom of this.” Rykan states. “I will find out why my council deems it necessary to turn away my people.”

  His passionate words reminds me of the Rykan that visited my house that night. The Rykan I thought I knew would not sit back and let his people suffer. That was the Rykan that I gave my virginity to. I look to him and smile, I was thankful to see him return my smile. It has been the first one I’ve given him since the issue with the vendor earlier.

  “I know it is too late for my Heath,” Shahina says and I watch a tear slip down her cheek.

  My heart hurts for her and the baby in her stomach. I know how it feels to never get to meet your father. To only live off of other people’s memories. I do not wish that for her child. “But, maybe we can stop other men from meeting the same fate.”

  “We will try.” Assassin assures her.


  We left shortly after that big reveal. No one was in the mood for entertaining anymore. Matthias hated to see us go and my heart went out to the little boy. I told him, for as long as I am in the Southern Kingdom he was welcome to come visit me. He seemed very happy about this.

  When we arrived back at the Southern Kingdom, everyone went their separate ways. Rykan escorted me to my bedroom door then excused himself. Even though he held my hand the entire way back he didn’t speak much. I assumed he was troubled by what he had heard. After telling Augustus to not let me out of his sight, Assassin traced away from the castle shortly after we arrived.

  “Lilly, where have you been?” Miriam asks as soon as I walk into the room. “I have to get you dressed and ready for the party that’s thrown in your honor.” She is there with Lydell and Cleo the two water nymphs and Kema the small fairy.

  “Look at your hair!” Kema exclaims flittering around my head. “You have no flowers in it.” I don’t understand fairies obsession with flowers in the hair. “I will go at once to retrieve you flowers for your hair.” Before I could stop her she is out of the window and into the purple dusky sky.

  “Fairy’s and their flowers.” Lydell says from her postition lounging against my bed. Her blue hair is hanging down her back in deep waves.

  “Come, Lilly, I must get you dressed. They will be expecting you soon and I must fit you for the new dress. I think you will prefer it much more than the tight lace ones that are of standard.” Miriam places her hand on my back and ushers me towards the bathroom door. Many times I have jokingly complained about the many laces to the clothing here. They completely inhibit me from dressing myself. And, though the dresses are beautiful they are restricting. I am shocked and honored that Miriam not only heard my complaints, but took them to heart.

  “Miriam you didn’t have to do that. I could have worn the other dresses.” I say, and I meant it. Although they were constricting I had no qualms with continuing to wear them.

  “It was my honor, Lilly. Now, come let me help you put it on.”

  “That’s ok. I can dress myself now, remember? Besides, you should go and start getting ready yourself.” I say, noticing her blue and white servant’s apron.

  “I am not going to the party.”

  I freeze instantly. “Why?” I ask turning to her.

  She runs her hands down her sides smoothing out her already smooth apron. “I am a servant, Lilly, not only that, but I am a servant from another kingdom. I am not allowed at a royal party.”

  I wish I could say I was shocked, but I’m starting to get use to this place and its backwards ways.

  “Whatever you are thinking, stop it now.” Augustus says after taking in my look.

  I cross my arms over my chest and smirk at him. “I think it’s time they get to know the real Lilly Ann Peters.”


  Miriam made the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It was a deep red color and it felt more Greek than medieval. It was layers of sheer fabric with a deep V neck line and a high belted waist. I look and feel like a Greek goddess. My hair is in an intricate braid that hangs over my shoulder and—after lots of compromising with a certain fairy—ended up with only one red flower in my hair. The moment I walk in the large ballroom filled to the brim of some of the Southern Kingdom’s wealthiest people, the room goes completely silent. I don’t know if it is from my provocative dress with the high thigh slit or the company that surrounds me.

  I figure if you are going to throw a party in my honor you should at least invite my friends, and seeing that most of my people did not get their invite, I invited them myself. I had my usual body guards, Bilal, Himrol, Hyland and Augustus. Then there were my ragtag bunch of travelers; Lydell and Cleo in their sheer dresses. Kema and Tuson, the hobbit. Mora, the Nix that was captured with me, Laya and Hugan and a very happy Shahina who was able to find a babysitter for this event. And last but not least, Miriam and Mogo. All my friends were with me.

  “Are you ready for this?” Augustus asks me as he stands silently beside me. When I told him of my plans, he smiled proudly at me and said he was all for it. I hope he isn’t backing down now.

  “If they try to hang me for this, I’m hoping you can get me out of here.” I whisper over to him. He chuckles under his breath.

  “If they as much as mention harming you, they will meet the sharp in of my arrow.” He reaches for my hand and places it in the crook of his arm. We step further into the room and immediately the whispers start.

  “What is she wearing?”

  “Is that a nix?”

  “What is that creature?”

  “How dare she bring thos
e things?”

  “I knew she would be trouble.”

  I block out the voices. I knew this would be a bold move, but I didn’t care. My mama didn’t raise no push over. And, it was time these fancy people got a glimpse of the real Lilly.

  “What are you doing?” A man in a flashy suit asks me. He looks important and I’m sure I‘ve met him once before, but I can’t remember who he is. He steps in front of me with two guards flanking him. “How dare you.” the man shouts. “You cannot bring these people into a royal court.”

  “Is everything alright?” King Bartus approaches with his beautiful wife on his arm. Following closely behind him is Rykan and Sarafine who seems to be clutching on to Rykan’s arm for dear life.

  “Your Highness, this girl has brought these servants and magicals into our royal court. She has dishonored your kind hospitality. I say you remove them at once.” The man says.

  “Finris, calm down.” Bartus states, his bushy eyebrows coming together as he speaks.

  “King Bartus, is this party not thrown in my honor?” I ask with my head held high and my arm clutching Augustus.

  “Yes, of course it is. But….”

  “And if a party is dedicated for you, shouldn’t the people you know be invited?”

  “Yes!” Rykan answers for his father then flashes me a smile and a wink.

  Bartus crosses his hands over his chest and regards me quizzically.

  “These are my people, King Bartus.” I wave my hand at the silent group surrounding me. “If you ask them to leave I cannot object it, because this is your kingdom and I will not oppose your rule. However, just know that I will leave with them.”

  “I say let her leave.” Finris speaks up and so do a few more voices in the crowd. Wow, and these were the people they invited to MY party. This is a worse party than my 7th birthday party, where I invited all the kids at school and not one showed up.